A Voter’s Delight

The months, weeks and days leading up to November 6, 2012, Election Day were filled with annoying campaign ads, three debates, piles of mudslinging through the airways and cotton filled statements that often fell upon spongy ears. I dreaded turning on the television because I feared I would be body slammed by a cluster of women targeted campaign ads that spewed out trigger words like Planned Parenthood, equal pay for women, reversing legalized abortion rights, and repealing ObamaCare. First of all, no one has the right to tell any woman what she should do with her body, or when and whether she should have children. Secondly, I think the idea of women being barefoot, pregnant, uneducated, weak and passive died when the twentieth century spiraled out of the hemisphere years ago. The 40’s, 50’s and 60’s are decades behind us, and voting for the other guy would’ve warped us into a fashionably flawed time period.

Yesterday evening, on November 6, 2012, our nation witnessed history unfold a second time – the 1st African American President was re-elected to serve a second term…to keep the nation moving forward.

Read more of Savvy Diva’s Voter’s Delight story.