Hoarders — Why do we hold onto things we don’t use?

I’m surrounded by items that have begun to pile up (small controllable piles) as unnecessary frustrations. Perhaps if I’d learn to recycle more at an earlier age, I wouldn’t harbor these thoughts.  The three main items that force me to grind my teeth on a daily basis are… Underwear – my underwear are categorized under two headings…menstrual cycle […]

Personal Space — 50 feet please!

Abiding the laws of personal space should be a requirement for every U.S. citizen. Seriously, how many times have you stood in the checkout line and felt someone breathing on your neck? Lately, I’ve found myself mouthing the words, “50 feet please!” as I stand in line waiting to use the ATM or in a […]

Lions, Tigers, Bears, Spirits!

What really goes on while we’re sleeping? I often ponder that question, seeking a logical explanation, as I rise daily with the sun after a sleepless night. I recap the previous night, and all the activities that led to the exhaustion seeping out of the pores of my body. The flickering lights of the television […]

Bread Crumbs & Humble Pie!

RECESSION, POVERTY –Two bold rambunctious words swirling around in my brain as I attempt to rationalize the depletion of fluid funds in all of my accounts. Both checking accounts and both my savings, all hit less than $100. Damn…how did I get here? Its official, my financial situation has decreased in less than 30 days. […]

Balancing Acts

Extremists – That’s how I define me and my sweet- baby king. I am the “spastic, time is crucial, let’s go – let’s do this, it’s going to be now or never” chick, and he is “the tomorrow will take care of itself, there’s no need to rush, let’s just chill” type of dude. He […]

A Uniformed Society

If we drive the same car, wear the same clothes and date the same type of man, our world would be a safer place—you think? Sometimes I wonder if the world functioned on one set standard, the thought of “keeping up with the Jones’ would never cross our minds. I’ll even be the first to […]

Less Than Perfect!

Savvy’s Take On… Less Than Perfect! When will it end? The day to day addictive activity of rushing home through grid lock traffic only to find yourself in front of that big 32 inch flat screen tv (that you begged your boyfriend to get, baiting him with the reward of seeing his Play Station games […]


My man and I never argue. We sing tunes of frustration, and then we kiss. So he thought. I was already displaying signs of my other personality due to the arrival of my “Aunt Dot”. She arrives just when I am feeling so sexy, lovable and irresistible. He knows how I am, especially when my […]

Dressing for success

Fashion mishaps during post engagement are highly usual, especially if you have birthed a child, maintained a passionate romance, all while trying to lock down the designated date. Well, no one told me that the desire to look and feel sexy would be thrown out the window once you have spent more than 2, 880 […]


If you haven’t realized by now, Jealousy is universal. Racially, the emotion is definitely universal amongst the female gender. I have experienced dozens of jealousy issues with my girlfriends, and it definitely doesn’t discriminate with age. You think after you’ve stormed through the high school and college years, you no longer have to worry yourself […]