
If you haven’t realized by now, Jealousy is universal. Racially, the emotion is definitely universal amongst the female gender. I have experienced dozens of jealousy issues with my girlfriends, and it definitely doesn’t discriminate with age.

You think after you’ve stormed through the high school and college years, you no longer have to worry yourself with thoughts of your best friend having other friends. Bringing a new person into the group or spending more time with one friend is ok, right? Wrong! The thought of bringing someone new into your circle of tightly knit friends doesn’t calculate into the equation for some women. The jealous rage hurdles in between the best friendships, and many ask the question, “Why can’t we all just get along?” Don’t loose sleep over this epidemic, because no matter what role you play in these relationships, human nature will never change. However, I do have a slight theory. The one unique characteristic women possess is the ability to nurture. Women invest so much energy and focus on relationships. So any posed threat, especially the threat of another woman (cause all women can be catty and possessive) embarking on marked territory will send the brain electrical shocks to jumpstart the overload of jealousy.

Now personally I can’t say I’ve had an emotional overload since 2001, but will defend those who are six months shy of age 30 and have not chosen to take the non-jealousy pill. Why should we bow down to the new kid on the block, when we’ve spent countless hours passing Kleenex and listening to our best friend sob over spilled milk—I mean Rick!

So Ladies, I say bow down with pride, and then vow to never give into jealousy – unless it’s embarking on the territory of your man!