Elevator Etiquette

A Call for Order…Is it me, or should there be a list of rules and guidelines posted on the wall beside all elevators? I crack up internally every morning while I’m waiting for the elevator in the parking garage. There is always that one employee that has to release an aroma of ignorance or unjustified […]

Holiday Cheer, Blues and Renewals!

Reflect, Recap and Renew — That’s what most of us do, or at least should do after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, just as we prepare to bring in a brand new year. December is the month that my procrastination really rips through my hidden perfection as I haven’t mastered the art […]

Buffet in the Church Pews!

Snacks & Praise — Every Sunday morning around 10:30am, an imbalanced churchgoer dressed for her wardrobe ordinance of street gear and hi-top tennis shoes hastens with the assistance of her cane to perfect her crooked glide, as she stumbles into her favorite pew. Those who are visiting give quick glances and smiles in an orderly […]

Hygiene and Hand Washing, It’s a Requirement!

I’m often amazed at grown individuals (mostly women) who refuse to utilize the free water and available soap (sometimes scented) to wash their hands after spending a few moments alone in the bathroom stall. It’s none of my business what they have done in those individual stalls, but it becomes my business when they walk […]

Bathroom Stalls – Does Size Really Matter?

Is it me…or should there be mandatory size regulations for bathroom stalls? I believe routine potty time should exclude concussions. For the past few weeks, I’ve had a cloud of wonderment hovering over my head, trying to decipher the reason for my discomfort during my personal time of release. I know my head is big […]

Reality TV

If your life was a television show, would it be a comedy, drama, soap opera or documentary? Of course I would have to say my life on TV would be Dramoperadytary — a comedy/drama/soap opera/documentary all in one.  The intro music to my show would probably change from day to day, depending on the type […]

Hoarders — Why do we hold onto things we don’t use?

I’m surrounded by items that have begun to pile up (small controllable piles) as unnecessary frustrations. Perhaps if I’d learn to recycle more at an earlier age, I wouldn’t harbor these thoughts.  The three main items that force me to grind my teeth on a daily basis are… Underwear – my underwear are categorized under two headings…menstrual cycle […]

Personal Space — 50 feet please!

Abiding the laws of personal space should be a requirement for every U.S. citizen. Seriously, how many times have you stood in the checkout line and felt someone breathing on your neck? Lately, I’ve found myself mouthing the words, “50 feet please!” as I stand in line waiting to use the ATM or in a […]

Lions, Tigers, Bears, Spirits!

What really goes on while we’re sleeping? I often ponder that question, seeking a logical explanation, as I rise daily with the sun after a sleepless night. I recap the previous night, and all the activities that led to the exhaustion seeping out of the pores of my body. The flickering lights of the television […]


My man and I never argue. We sing tunes of frustration, and then we kiss. So he thought. I was already displaying signs of my other personality due to the arrival of my “Aunt Dot”. She arrives just when I am feeling so sexy, lovable and irresistible. He knows how I am, especially when my […]