The Bucket List…To Do

Bucket ListMy daily life consists of  jotting down several tasks to complete throughout the day, week and month — or whenever I get a jolt of energy to complete at least one item on the ten notebooks surrounding me. Every day, my goal is to scratch off at least five items off of my growing lists, but unfortunately, the list continues to grow and the notebooks continue to pile up.

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine sent me a photo of an excursion that I may have dared to dream of tackling in my early twenties, but I have to double-check my life insurance policies and pray several times before agreeing to approach the idea. However,  as I considered to risk my life for “the thrill of it”, a loud ringing alarm alerted my thirty something tail that I really need to try to accomplish a few things before a one way ticket is tossed into my bucket list with no hope of a safe return.

So I started a short list that I’m sure will continue to grow as the days grow shorter, the years progress faster, and my son towers over me and begins taking risks that I used to dare my friends to consider. I think I’m off to a great start. I’ve completed one item on my list already.


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