You’re Wasting Away…Eat a Cheeseburger, Loaf of Bread, Cookies or Cheese

You’re Wasting Away — These three words have become most stressful to hear on a daily basis. For some strange reason, the onset of weight-loss compliments (really insults) have been thrown my way, as people who I normally don’t see everyday, are suddenly thrown off by my new appearance. It’s new to them, but technically […]

One Hiccup Away From Clutching My Pearls

Sometimes when the house is silent and the sound of reality TV echoes quietly through the background of my dark thoughts, I think about how my current mood could change with a sudden shift of gravity…or a subtle hiccup. No one really thinks about how powerful a hiccup can be. It can actually disrupt the […]

Holiday Bliss and Emptiness

Every year, just as the Christmas holiday wraps up, and we prepare to welcome a New Year, I write about the stressful plague of seeking the perfect gifts for my loved ones. No one forces me, but I think the tradition has been imprinted on my soul where I feel its mandatory to follow suite…each […]

Mom…There is No Santa

My son looked me straight in the eyes last week, and boldly blurted out that he knows Santa Claus doesn’t exist. I didn’t know how to react, especially because every year, I complain about the fat, jolly, white bearded man that gets all the credit for flying his pimped out sleigh around the world in […]

A Savvy Reflection

It’s been a while, but I’m back. Unintentionally I took a couple months off of writing and retreated from life and the many cards she dealt me while experiencing a few losses in my family and circle of friends. CANCER and DEATH have become frequent visitors in the lives of many around me. The losses […]

Meal Plan In a Can

Since the rise of the New Year, I’ve jumped on the self-awareness train to rid my body of its current astronomical BMI by decreasing the amount of food I salivate over. Of course, many who really know the real me, know that the decision comes with much turmoil and broken promises as I battle up […]

Holiday Glutton and Jiggle

Days after Christmas, normally December 26th, is when I am sparked with the yearly onset of  guilt and glutton. The feelings are summoned around 4:00am, hours after the house quiets down and the only sounds that can be heard throughout the vents are the frisky cats climbing and leaping in and out of the Christmas […]


A friendly alert blazed through my phone which was buried in my purse, setting off reminder tones of an upcoming appointment I scheduled three months ago. It always amazes me how fast time flies, especially when you’re having a blast eating foods and drinking beverages that have been placed on the “do not eat” list […]

Temporarily Out of Order

Have you ever wondered what really happened behind the door marked with a red “temporarily out of order” sign? It’s a major inconvenience, especially for someone like me who waits until her internal dam can no longer bare the pressure of all the ice coffee drinks, two bottles of water and ice cold colas from […]

Elevator Etiquette

A Call for Order…Is it me, or should there be a list of rules and guidelines posted on the wall beside all elevators? I crack up internally every morning while I’m waiting for the elevator in the parking garage. There is always that one employee that has to release an aroma of ignorance or unjustified […]