Fitness Detox Again, and Again

Today is the first day of my new 30 Day Detox and Fitness Challenge. I chose December 1st because I knew if I waited until after the holidays, it would be an epic fail. Every year, like a ticking clock gliding around to the 12th hour, I recommit myself to a healthy lifestyle every year […]

A Thankful Season

Every year, the festive season of reflection falls upon us on the last Thursday of November, which sometimes falls on my birthday. Just a five days ago, I celebrated my wonderful 30+ years, and it was fantastic. I was thankful that a cluster of my oldest and newest friends took time out of their busy […]

30 Day Detox Challenge

Food is the source of my energy…and I’ve vowed to recycle that energy into eating to live, and not living to eat. I’ve always been addicted to sweets…cupcakes in particular, and ever since the influx of cupcakeries has flooded every other street corner in the DC area, I’ve struggled to kick my addiction to sugar. […]

Traveling Chronicles: Luggage Junkie

I travel at least once every two months for my “9-5” gig, and would normally fancy myself as being a pretty good luggage packer, especially if I’m traveling for less than three days. However, I recently returned from a week-long business trip and was faced with the grueling fact that I no longer possess the […]

A Savvy Mishap – Reusable Ice Gone Bad

I’ve been juicing for 24 consecutive days, religiously, so you’ll understand why I questioned my religion when I thought I had accidentally poisoned myself. The morning was as normal as any other morning, except, I overslept an hour as opposed to my usual 20 minute delay. Once the kid was dressed and fed along with […]

Fitness Infomercial Overload

It was only five months ago when everyone preached and promised New Year revelations, and professed their new outlook on life and beyond. Fitness gyms, personal trainers, and weight loss programs were promoting the latest and greatest answer to New Year success. I began to notice the influx of infomercials on rotating schedules of convenience […]

Meal Plan In a Can

Since the rise of the New Year, I’ve jumped on the self-awareness train to rid my body of its current astronomical BMI by decreasing the amount of food I salivate over. Of course, many who really know the real me, know that the decision comes with much turmoil and broken promises as I battle up […]

Holiday Glutton and Jiggle

Days after Christmas, normally December 26th, is when I am sparked with the yearly onset of  guilt and glutton. The feelings are summoned around 4:00am, hours after the house quiets down and the only sounds that can be heard throughout the vents are the frisky cats climbing and leaping in and out of the Christmas […]

A New Year – Reloaded

Review, Restore and Reload– That was the theme of my thought process during the week of Christmas. I was anxiously anticipating the end of a great year that highlighted frustrations, obstacles, battles, victories, high blood pressure, restored friendships and lost loved ones. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season attracts frustration, stress, depleted finances, […]

Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes

I have three favorite foods that are masterful, mouth-watering satisfactions when served together. Many who know me accept that I’m not a queen of flour, fire and cooking oil, so they’ll appreciate the credit and praise to those who skillfully create the most delectable treats to serve on Thanksgiving Day. Every year I look forward […]