Are You Happy With the FAT?

Weight ScaleLast year, I struggled with the realization that my weight gain was not only taking over my physical health, but my mental health. A year later, I’ve transformed into a blooming butterfly with a significant amount of weight melted off my frame. I have a different pep in my step and smile on my face as my energy level has increased with each pound lost.

For the past few years, I would pull into the parking garage at my job, I’d park and pass my favorite parking garage attendant.  Recently I saw the garage attendant, whose name I really don’t know because his Ethiopian dialect has left me questioning my phonetic understanding. So let’s just call him Arty for now.  Last year, Arty said something to me that most likely ignited my avoidance of parking level C where he is stationed. I remember that dreary day like it was yesterday.  Arty and I shared an elevator this one particular morning. The ride wasn’t a pleasant one. It was actually very humiliating. He uttered the most unsuspecting words to me, very unusual from our normal “hello, how are you today?” Arty looked at me with a warm smile and said, “Are you Happy with the Fat?”

As the words seeped out of the Arty’s mouth, I felt my blood pressure rise. Arty stood there with a nice grin and mild mannered disposition as if he didn’t understand his own words.  I couldn’t speak, I just tilted my head and acted as if I didn’t understand his words, smiled and starred at the wall. The saddest part for me in that moment was the fact that internally I whispered my answer which was “NO”.

Recently I saw Arty and I was very pleasant and confident. I just knew that he would notice I’ve slimmed down to my original size, and at least compliment me for not being fat anymore. I smiled and said “good morning.” Arty just smiled, waved, and acted as if he had never seen me a day in his life.

I guess I understand. My weight-loss journey has me experiencing so many emotions from people who either shame me for loosing so much weight, or shame me for gaining so much weight that I’m unrecognizable either way. Perhaps Arty will remember me if I start parking back on his level everyday.

I’m just happy that I was able to turn my unhappiness of unhealthy weight into a healthy transformation…and I have literally become someone new in everyone’s eyes, no matter how they view me.

So yes Arty, if you were wondering…I am happy with the fat that turned me into a new, healthy skinny!